IT STARTED out as small business venture between friends back in 1997.

But now Itchen Valley Brewery, which is known across Hampshire and beyond, is in need of help.

The Alresford-based company is turning to its customers to help raise around £50,000.

In a statement, the Itchen Valley Brewery detailed its survival plan: "The impact of Covid-19 has devastated our industry. Government help has been very limited, as the majority of support offered to the hospitality sector has not included brewers.

"We have been fighting against the tide for almost a year – and we are now reaching out to our loyal customers and all beer enthusiasts, to help us fight back.

"There is a plan: our focus is currently on direct sales to you, with a core range of eight superb beers plus seasonal offerings; we are developing a ‘Test Lab’ to tempt the market with new beers and styles of; brewing; a focussed Canned Range is at R&D stage, with a potential launch date in May and the IVB Spirits Collection is being designed to support our established craft beer range.

"How you can help is by becoming an IVB Member today - we have created an ‘IVB Membership Scheme’ and want to ask everyone to become members. Depending on the level you join at you’ll receive some ridiculously amazing rewards: up to 10 per cent off all Tap Room orders; a cool member T-Shirt; and a unique Member IVB Pint Glass.

"Through this “buy forward” option, we hope to raise a minimum of £50,000 to bring to fruition the plan above, plus move forward on other exciting projects like our Tap Room renovation."

All members will also be invited to a party when restrictions ease.

Over the last 20 years Itchen Valley Brewery has poured more than 30 million pints.

Products have won awards both nationally and internationally.

The statement adds: "We hope that in a few months, Covid-19 restrictions will start to ease, and with your generous support, we will get to the other side. We cannot wait to throw open our doors and let everyone in."

To donate, visit: