NHS staff in Hampshire feel trusted to do their jobs after the challenge of facing the pandemic.

The annual staff survey that is run by all NHS Trusts has shown that 92 per cent of staff who responded feel trusted to do their job in a year that saw 41 per cent of respondents working on a Covid-19 ward or area.

A total of 26 per cent of respondents claimed they were redeployed due to the pandemic, something which is "totally unprecedented" according to Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT).

Elsewhere, 82 per cent of respondents said that they think care of patients is the organisation’s top priority, an increase from 2019 and significantly above the national average.

More staff would also recommend HHFT as a place to work compared to last year - with a rise of six per cent year on year.

Catherine Hope-MacLellan, director of people at HHFT, said: "Following such a difficult year, the survey has highlighted so many strengths and this demonstrates not only how well we can work together but also the resilience and commitment of every person who works for the trust.”