A SCOUT LEADER convicted of engaging in sexual activity with a child has been banned from volunteering for life.

Richard Crook groomed a 14-year-old schoolgirl.

The 41-year-old who volunteered as a Scout leader gave her alcohol and took her to hotels before finally getting her pregnant.

The Scout Association has now confirmed that Crook will never volunteer again.

A spokesperson said: “The association is aware of recent court proceedings involving Richard Crook.

“Crook has not been involved in the Scout Movement since January 2020 and we can confirm that he will never volunteer with us again.”

The association has stressed that the safety of its members is its number one priority and at the heart of decision-making.

The spokesperson added: “We carry out stringent vetting of all adults who work with young people and work together with statutory agencies and other parties to share relevant information to ensure the safeguarding of young people.”

Crook pleaded guilty to four counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child.

Southampton Crown Court heard how the CCTV expert, formerly of Vine Road, Southampton, started a sexual relationship with a teenage girl and claimed they had planned the pregnancy.

Crook was jailed for 14-years and will be released on licence. He will have to register as a sex offender for life and was given a restraining order not to contact his victim.