A PLAN to build an electricity substation on a Hampshire farm has received hundreds of objections from residents.

Last year, an application for planning permission was made to Test Valley Borough Council to create a new electricity substation at Woodington Solar Farm in East Wellow.

The plans detailed how a substation, ground mounted solar panels, and security equipment including fencing and CCTV would be installed on land that is currently used for agricultural purposes.

The site would measure just over 16 acres and access would be provided from nearby Woodington Road.

Now though, hundreds have objected to the plans with residents raising concerns about noise, radiation, and the industrialisation of the countryside.

One resident, Katie Goodall, said: "This is planned for an area of peaceful rural countryside near the River Blackwater, it is excessively noisy and produces radiation on which a report has not yet been commissioned. We need that report.

"The noise report shows that it is in excess of acceptable levels. It would involve excessive traffic down one of our quietest lanes. "It is also very close to St Margarets Church, an important historic site."

Another, Karen Stride, added: "I am the owner of Bushymoor Copse. I purchased this property as I have a strong passion for forestry and conservation.

"I am appalled to see that this land I brought 16 years ago and have worked so hard to protect will be greatly impacted negatively by this industrial complex.

The planning lacks an adequate ecological survey. Issues are as follows: Noise pollution, Health and Safety, Overdevelopment, Industrialisation of the countryside."

The applicants for the new development, Woodington Solar Limited claim however that the scheme will result in "less permanent impacts than most other forms of development, including some alternative methods of renewable energy production".

"Almost all of the plant buildings on site will be at or below single storey level ensuring that it will not be readily visible from most viewpoints outside of the site.

"The DNO Substation, Solar Farm and associated development proposed are compliant with relevant material planning considerations and will not have an adverse effect on landscape character or residential amenity."

The consultation for the plans is set to end at the end of this month.