HOUSES are taking an average of 118 days to sell in Southampton new data has revealed.

Figures from professional house buying firm, Property Solvers' shows that houses in the SO postcode area are currently taking 16.79 weeks on average to sell.

Over the last year in the SO14, SO32 and SO52 postcodes, home sellers were waiting 141 days on average from listing to completion.

Properties sold fastest in the SO40 postcode covering Totton and Marchwood with an average of 87 days across the 84 homes sold.

Updated monthly, the latest dataset analysed over 900 property sales across the region between March 2020 and March 2021.

Property Solvers co-founder, Ruban Selvanayagam said: “Although buyer demand hasn’t waned over the course of the pandemic, the length of time for transactions to complete has certainly lengthened.”

“However, with positive news around the vaccine roll-out, as more people gradually return to offices and agencies, we’re cautiously optimistic about things picking up over the course of the year.”