A JEALOUS man who stabbed his glamorous ex-girlfriend to death after seeing her on a Tinder date with another man has been jailed for 19 years.

Cruise line worker Cristina Ortiz-Lozano was killed in a ‘frenzied’ attack after being followed home by spurned lover Abdelaziz El Yechioui Ourzat.

Her father told a court that the 28-year-old’s family is ‘emotionally destroyed’ and asked his daughter’s killer ‘how could you do this to us?’

Cristina Ortiz-Lozano

Cristina Ortiz-Lozano

Ourzat, 31, was caught on CCTV ‘hiding in the shadows’ outside a pub his ex had visited with another man a month after she broke up with him.

He then followed her to her home in Spear Road, Southampton and stabbed her to death as her horrified date stood outside.

A judge at Winchester Crown Court branded Ourzat’s attack as ‘savage, ferocious and sustained’ as she passed a life sentence with a minimum term of 19 years.

Abdelaziz El Yechioui Ourzat

Abdelaziz El Yechioui Ourzat

Ourzat, previously of White Star Place, Southampton, remained emotionless as his sentence was read out on Wednesday.

Judge Jane Miller QC said: “After she told you it was over, you clearly saw red. In the months after and on the night, you killed Cristina, you adopted a ‘poor me’ attitude. You didn’t accept at any stage that the end of the relationship was your fault. After the relationship ended in that month you decided to wallow in self-pity. You saw Cristina sitting, talking with a young man. You were jealous and were upset at her moving on and from jealousy to anger is a short step.”

CCTV footage of Abdelaziz El Yechioui Ourzat stalking Cristina Ortiz-Lozano in Southampton

CCTV footage of Abdelaziz El Yechioui Ourzat stalking Cristina Ortiz-Lozano in Southampton

Manuel Ortiz-Cortez, Cristina’s father, who lives in Spain, provided a statement about the death of his youngest daughter which was read out to the court by prosecutor Kerry Maylin.

“We have been destroyed as people and as a family.

Abdelaziz El Yechioui Ourzat (inset) has been jailed following the murder in Spear Road, Southampton.

Abdelaziz El Yechioui Ourzat (inset) has been jailed following the murder in Spear Road, Southampton.

“Every day at around 9pm Cristina would call us to tell us about her day-to-day life. Now that has become our worst time of the day. It’s emotionally destroyed us.

He then addressed Ourzat directly, asking him: “What reason did you have for killing my daughter? How could you do this to Cristina and the rest of our family?

Ourzat, denied murdering his victim on September 21, 2019, instead he claimed he was only guilty of manslaughter by diminished responsibility.