YOUNG people living near the site of a restoration project have been asked to design a new sign for the area.

Eastleigh Borough Council has launched a new competition for young people from nearby to Hiltingbury Lakes in Chandler's Ford.

The site, which is owned and managed by the Council, is currently undergoing a transformation to restore its historical woodland.

Budding artists up to the age of 16 are now being asked to take part in a competition to create a design that could be featured on the new sign.

Children are encouraged to take inspiration from the area on their daily walks to produce a "unique image" that could appear on the new signage.

Chair of Chandler’s Ford and Hiltingbury Local Area Committee, Cllr Alan Broadhurst, said: "We know this area is enjoyed by young people and their families and we’re sure children will want to have signage inspired by their artwork on display for years to come."

Children can submit their design ideas by emailing: using a template that can be downloaded and printed on the council website.