AN EVENT to stamp out racism will be taking place this Saturday.

Southampton-based activists will be coming together to send a "powerful message that racism will be defeated".

During an online event, they will be fighting back against racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism and fascism.

Southampton Stand Up to Racism will be hosting the rally from 3pm and which can be seen on Youtube.

Representatives from a variety of diverse groups will be taking part.

The rally will mark UN anti-racism day with music, poetry, dance and anti-racist messages from members of the Southampton community, including young people.

The event will be hosted by local activist Victoria Ugwoeme from The United Voices of African Associations (TUVAA).

Veteran anti-racism campaigner Jayanti Shah, MBE, will speak about his experiences of tackling racism and discrimination in Southampton over the last fifty years.

Jay said: “It’s important that we mark the day by renewing our commitment to eliminating discrimination and racism.”

Meanwhile, Professor Michael Ng from the Chinese Association of Southampton will speak in light of the recent racist attack on Dr Wang, a fellow lecturer at the University of Southampton.

The rally will also include speakers from Southampton City Council, Black History Month South and more.

The programme includes guest speakers from Southampton Football Club, Black History Month South, and Southampton City Council.

The UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was inaugurated in 1966 to commemorate the 1960 Sharpeville massacre which saw 69 anti-apartheid protestors killed and 178 wounded for taking to the streets against the regime’s racist pass laws.

In commemorating the massacre, the UN General Assembly called on all world states and organizations to participate in a program of action to combat racism and racial discrimination.