THIEVES who stole and torched a youth group's minibus have cost the club £5,000 following a raid.

Commanding officer at Romsey Sea Cadets, Dave Luce, said a gang smashed windows to break into the cadets' unit on Southampton Road and snatched the keys to the minibus, which were stored in a safe.

The burnt out remains of the vehicle - which was vital for the cadets - were later found, after firefighters tried to stop the flames in the early hours of March 9, on Upton Lane, Nursling.

Mr Luce said: "We will find a way through it because we always do, but all my staff are really upset by it because it is an invasion of our privacy. Why do it?"

Daily Echo: The Romsey Sea Cadets' minibus that was torched

The 40-year-old said the criminals have cost the group thousands of pounds after ransacking the club and burning the minibus.

He explained: "There was probably £5,000 worth of damage done where they have cut the fence, smashed the windows of the unit, after forcing the shutters open, and setting off the fire extinguishers.

"They smashed the windows in the minibus and managed to find the keys that were locked in the safe, because they were looking for money and if they want something they will put their minds to getting it.

"The firefighters were called to Upton Lane I think around 4.30 in the morning to put the minibus fire out, which is only three miles from our Romsey unit, so they wouldn't have got far because there was not much fuel in the minibus."

Hampshire police confirmed an investigation has been launched to find the criminals.

Mr Luce stressed the attack on the Romsey Sea Cadets has meant the unit may not be able to open on April 12, when lockdown restrictions ease, until it has been made secure and the damage is repaired.

He said the minibus is vital to the youth group and is used to take the sea cadets "on courses, camps, back and forth to Shamrock Quay in Southampton and to tow trailers".

He added the club will beef up its security by upgrading its alarm system and the minibus could be moved to a secure location away from the unit.

In a bid to replace the vehicle and repair the damage done to the club, a GoFundMe page has been set up to raise £4,000.

It has already raked in at least £2,185 since the page was launched at the weekend.

To donate, click here.

It is believed the burglars descended on the club between 5pm Monday (March 8), and 7am on Tuesday, according to Hampshire police.

Anyone with information should phone 101 with the reference 44210087758.