MORE WOMEN in Southampton were admitted to hospital last year with a chronic condition that can cause debilitatingly painful periods.

Charity Endometriosis UK said women forced to go to hospital with endometriosis are being “let down” by the NHS, as they are not getting the treatment they need elsewhere.

NHS Digital data shows there were around 135 hospital admissions with a main diagnosis of endometriosis in the Southampton CCG area in 2019-20.

This was up from 120 the year before.

Last year, 15 (​11%) were classed as emergencies.

Endometriosis is a chronic condition – which affects around 10% of women and has no known cure – in which tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows elsewhere in the body, such as around the ovaries.

In extremely rare cases it can occur in men.

The tissue sheds in the same way that blood does during the menstrual cycle.

But it has nowhere to escape to, causing inflammation, pain, and a build-up of scar tissue.

Data from the 195 CCGs in England which provided data shows hospitals admitted 21,900 patients with the condition last year, including a record 2,905 emergency admissions.

Endometriosis Awareness Month, which takes place every March, aims to raise greater recognition for the disease, but Endometriosis UK said the figures show there is still a lack of understanding.

Chief executive Emma Cox said the health service is not providing women with the help they need from non-emergency care and should “face up to the scale” of the problem.

She added: “We’re letting these people down by not providing them with the treatment and management they need to manage their condition – endometriosis is a chronic condition but so few people get offered pain management.”

But she said society in general is also responsible for not taking the condition seriously, with many people still too scared to discuss the “taboo” subject of menstrual conditions.

The charity has called on the NHS to implement NICE guidelines – which were adopted in 2017 but have not yet been implemented – to help all healthcare practitioners better recognise the symptoms of endometriosis.

A recent report from a group of MPs found that it takes an average of eight years to receive a diagnosis in England – a figure which has not improved for a decade.