CLUBS in and around Southampton have been working to collect laptops to donate to nearby schools.

Rotary Clubs have worked to gather the unwanted devices and donate them to places that need them more than ever due to the pandemic.

David Small of Hedge End Rotary has been working with Wildern School to coordinate this activity and has collected over 40 computers up to this point.

These have now all been delivered to the school, along with various other pieces of equipment which have been "gladly accepted and thoroughly checked over" before passing them on to new users.

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A spokesperson for the club said: "During the lockdowns that we have all experienced over the past year it has been difficult for everyone and particularly so for pupils, parents and teachers as they try to cope with home schooling.

"For most students it has been possible to stay in touch through on-line lessons and courses but it cannot be taken for granted that everyone has the necessary equipment to enable them to do this.

"It is good to know that, even if we manage to avoid any more school closures, 40 more pupils will be able to enjoy the benefits of studying on line."