ONCE again our Labour council have left us in no doubt that they really are naive when it comes to major business decisions.

They celebrated the good news that the Conservative Government has granted Southampton and The Solent Free Port status.

This will bring jobs, expansion and revenue to our city and is truly welcome.

But, the other side of the coin is the Labour controlled planning committee.

In their wisdom, they have rejected the 164 metre extension to the runway at Southampton Airport, without which it will struggle to survive.

The demise of Flybe cost them 94% of their business.

The extension would mean that the same size of plane could carry more fuel and therefore more passengers - the extra weight needs a longer runway, and indeed planes could also travel a little further.

What price a FreePort without an airport to ferry passengers ( holiday makers and business travellers ) from all over the UK and most of Europe?

Travel links via rail, air and sea will meld together to make Southampton a truly international, world wide destination.

Hopefully Eastleigh Borough Council will have more sense when they vote today.

Linda Norris
