THE Daily Echo is joining forces with colleagues across local news media to warn the public not to be duped by fake newspapers.

The news industry is today launching a campaign called Don’t Be Duped against political propaganda leaflets designed to look and feel like independent local newspapers.

News publishers say these publications are designed to mislead the public, damaging trust in both local newspapers and politicians at a time when trusted sources of information are more important than ever before.

Henry Faure Walker, chairman of the News Media Association and chief executive of Echo publisher Newsquest, said: “In the local news media, we work day and night to bring you trusted news and information which you can rely upon. It is a role we take very seriously and – in an age in which fake news and hoaxes can circulate like wildfire on social media – it has become even more important. “Politicians at the top of government – and no less than Her Majesty The Queen – have acknowledged the vital importance of our work providing the public with trusted information during the coronavirus pandemic. Why would any right-thinking politician seek to undermine this?

“Sadly, that is happening right now.”

He added: “During the 2019 general election, the News Media Association railed against these publications after examples published by Labour, Conservatives and the Lib Dems emerged. The Electoral Commission criticised the practice, citing it as an example of misleading campaigning techniques which the public were concerned about.

“We thought we’d seen the back of them but, sadly, in recent months fake local newspapers published by the Lib Dems have started popping up again. Make no mistake, these publications are designed to fool you into thinking you are reading independent journalism. In fact, they are the exact opposite – party political propaganda sheets masquerading as real newspapers.”

The association has written to Sir Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats, and the Electoral Commission to call for an end to fake newspapers.

It is calling on readers to back the Don’t Be Duped campaign by “calling out” examples.

Mr Faure Walker added: “Although our relationship is not always easy, local news media and politicians are both fundamental parts of our democracy. Rather than seeking to undermine us and trade off the highly trusted relationship we enjoy with our readers, politicians should support the work that we do. I hope that you will join us in calling for an end to fake local newspapers and urge politicians to instead channel their efforts into supporting real local journalism which benefits us all.”

If you receive an example of a political leaflet imitating an independent newspaper, email it to or share it on social media with the hashtag #DontBeDuped