BUS DRIVERS could take industrial action after a Southampton bus branch secretary was sacked. 

Declan Clune, who worked for Bluestar, was dismissed after he reported concerns around a bridge being struck by vehicles to Network Rail. 

At his recent appeal against his sacking, bosses upheld their decision, claiming that the act brought the company into disrepute. 

Now though, bus union RMT has confirmed that it has declared a dispute and will be balloting bus driver members to strike and take other forms of industrial action over the "victimisation".

As announced today, the union plans to launch a "high-profile" publicity campaign including demonstrations to get the secretary reinstated. 

General Secretary, Mick Cash, called on Bluestar to reverse the decision, branding the sacking "a disgrace".

"As workplace representatives selflessly come to the aid of members without a second thought it is every member's responsibility to come to theirs when attacked.

"A Director's Review of the matter of the dismissal has now been granted and our officials will be putting a strong case for reinstatement and to right this wrong. 

"The company should seize this opportunity to reinstate Declan rather than provoking an industrial dispute and action by our members."

According to the union, no evidence has been found to explain what a "loud banging noise" has been when buses pass under the bridge. 

It said that Bluestar has denied failing to adhere to its own procedure and decided that the secretary's act could influence opportunities for further business. 

Concerns over the reporting of safety issues are now set to be raised with Network Rail, the Office of Rail and Road, Traffic Commissioner, HSE as well as relevant local authorities.