A CASH boost is set to be provided to community groups as they look to set up Independent Community Libraries.

Groups in Fair Oak and North Baddesley will receive a total of £18k in grants to help set up the libraries after eight County Council-run libraries, including Fair Oak, were closed at the end of 2020.

Community organisations in these areas were offered the opportunity to transition to a new model and establish Independent Community Libraries if there is demand.

Executive Member for Recreation, Heritage, Countryside and Rural Affairs, Cllr Edward Heron has now approved the funding at his Decision Day meeting on March 19.

To date £68,000 worth of grants have been awarded to groups seeking to establish Independent Community Libraries at seven locations where the County Council has closed or withdrawn support from existing services.

At the meeting, Cllr Heron approved grants of £5,000 to North Baddesley Community Library, £10,000 to Fair Oak Community Library, and £3,000 to Fair Oak and Horton Heath Parish Council.

The Councillor said: “I am really pleased to agree this grant money to help residents in North Baddesley and Fair Oak to establish Independent Community Libraries.

"I know that local volunteers in these areas are working incredibly hard to develop a new approach for the provision of an Independent Community Library offer.”

The County Council has also offered one-off pump-priming awards of up to £10,000 to support start-up costs for the new ventures as well as funding to support urgent building works needed as part of the property transfer.