DISCUSSIONS over whether to approve plans to extend the runway at Southampton Airport are under way and are expected to continue throughout the evening.

Civic chiefs have been debating proposals to expand the runway by 164m since 10am.

It comes as the Eastleigh Local Area Committee is expected to make a final decision by the end of the day.

So far members have heard from planning officers and objectors, while those in favour of the plans and representative of Southampton Airport are expected to present their case to the committee later tonight.

Airport bosses previously said that the future of the site and thousands of jobs would be at risk if the plans are rejected.

But during the virtual meeting being held today campaigners called for the proposals to be refused on the grounds of climate change, noise and pollution.

It comes as the committee was told that the number of people affected by noise would go from 11,450 in 2020 to 46,050 in 2033, if the expansion goes ahead.

But officers said that while without mitigation measures there would be a "major adverse impact", the mitigation measures proposed mean that the runway expansion would result in a "moderate adverse impact".

Among the measures proposed there are the cap on vehicles to restrict passengers to 3m per annum; a Noise Insulation Policy and a community fund - although details of the projects that would be funded through the community fund are yet to be revealed.

Many suggested that the airport should cap passenger numbers at 2m per year.

Southampton councillor John Savage said: "It is outrageous, our communities are being damaged by decisions you are making and it is going to affect the health of our people and it will last for generations."

Cllr Rob Harwood, said residents will be "blighted by these proposals".

Resident Lyn Brayshaw described the proposed noise mitigation measures as "trivial".

But officers said these concerns will need to be considered in the planning balance.

A planning officer also clarified that the proposals are not about whether the airport would survive without the expansion.

He stressed that the airport breaks even at 1.2m passengers per year and without the expansion it would have about 1m passenger per year.

He added: "The planning application itself does not present the officers and members the scenario that if this scheme isn't allowed the airport would close. That is not what we have asked to consider. We have been asked to consider the expansion plan to meet what is an identified need."

He said that could mean that the airport would need to look at different sources of income.

Officers explained that the move would have a positive impact on the economy and would create more than 1,000 jobs by 2027.

Those in favour of the proposals and representatives of Southampton Airport are expected to speak at the meeting later tonight.

If no decision is made by midnight, Eastleigh Borough Council said the meeting would be adjourned and continue tomorrow.

The meeting continues.