A CONVICTED drug dealer has escaped an immediate jail term - despite giving "ridiculous" evidence at his trial.

Tony Mugarra appeared at Southampton Crown Court and was handed a two-year jail term that was suspended for two years.

Mugarra, 27, of Westwood Hill, Sydenham, London, had been found guilty at the same court of possession with intent to supply heroin and crack cocaine.

Aleks Lloyd, prosecuting, said the defendant was detained at an address in Southampton and was seen to discard two packages that were found to contain drugs.

Describing Mugarra's role in the supply chain Rebecca Lee, mitigating, described him as a runner who was "not at the centre of the operation".

She added: "She had only a very small amount of cash in his possession and there is no suggestion of an extravagant lifestyle.

"He is a young man who has got potential and realises he has been extremely foolish."

Judge Gary Burrell QC told him: "You have been exceptionally stupid.

"I remember your evidence at the trial. It was ridiculous and I'm not surprised the jury rejected it. You should have had the courage to plead guilty."

But Judge Burrell added: "You had a limited function, under direction. You were effectively a runner.

"You are clearly remorseful. You have changed your attitude to life to a more positive one. It's clear you are someone with some potential."

As well as receiving a suspended sentence Mugarra was told to complete 150 hours of unpaid work as well as taking part in 25 days of rehabilitation activities.

He will also have to comply with a 7pm-7am curfew for three months.