A SCOUT group is appealing for help from its community to fund its new home.

For 50 years, 2nd Chandler’s Ford Scout Group was based in a wooden hut at the end of Ramalley Lane, but after the building became unsafe they were forced to knock it down.

Now though, following the fundraising efforts of the scouting family, together with a £94,000 grant from Eastleigh Borough Council a new building is being constructed on the old hut site.

The outside of the building is now set to be complete by the end of the month, but despite this “milestone”, the groups existing funds have now run out, leaving them unable to finish the inside.

Peter Darbyshire, Acting Scout Group Leader said it has been “difficult” to fundraise because they haven’t been able to run any events due to the pandemic.

He added: “Businesses are struggling to keep going and they’re not in a position to make grants so quite a lot of companies that were going to sponsor materials for us have had to pull back.”

Fundraising is now underway for the next phase of the project and the group has a target of £35,000 needed to raise the money.

A JustGiving page has been set up to help and so far the group has raised £4,360.

Peter added: “Scouting offers such a tremendous opportunity for people in their personal development. It is essential that we get the funds to finish off this build in time for when restrictions end.

“Young people have already suffered six months of restrictions and it would be really good if we could return to scouting.”

Donate to the fund for the new scout hut here.