A HUNT has been launched to track down a pig thief.

A piglet was separated from her mother in Southampton earlier this week.

Police - who decided to name her Pua - suspected the "very young" animal had been stolen.

Officers have now launched the "process of locating and prosecuting the thieves".

According to police, the exact location Pua was stolen from can't be revealed.

Police are trying to trace theives who they suspect stole Pua the piglet in Southampton

Police are trying to trace theives who they suspect stole Pua the piglet in Southampton

Pua has since been reunited with her mother.

However, police are appealing to the public to help with their investigation.

A post on the Southampton Cops Facebook page said: "Thanks to a call we received from a member of the public, we have identified the piglet’s owner and she has been successfully reunited with her mother!

"Now begins the process of locating and prosecuting the thieves. 🚔🚨👮

"As an aside, if anyone is considering buying a pig as a pet, please make sure you know where it comes from and that you have the relevant livestock licenses.

Police are trying to trace theives who they suspect stole Pua the piglet in Southampton

Police are trying to trace theives who they suspect stole Pua the piglet in Southampton

(We learned more about livestock licenses last night than we ever thought we’d need for policing a busy city like Southampton!)

"For example, did you know you need a specific license to transport a pig, and the vehicle must be a specific type of DEFRA approved vehicle for animal transportation?

"Your premises also needs to be approved.

"At the end of the day, unless you’re a farmer, it’s probably not worth buying a pig..."

Anyone with information is urged to call police on 101 quoting crime reference number 44210113397.

The Daily Echo contacted Hampshire Constabulary for comment.