SOUTHAMPTON activists will rally together to protest proposed legislation.

Crowds are set to flock to Guildhall Square this week in protest against legislation deemed “draconian” and an assault on freedom of speech.

Campaigners and individuals plan to peacefully protest against the “dangerously undemocratic” Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

The Government has proposed a host of changes to the Bill.

These include giving police more powers to crackdown on non-violent protests judged to be too noisy and thereby causing “intimidation or harassment” or “serious unease, alarm or distress” to the public.

A socially distanced “Stop the Bill” protest will take place at Guildhall Square this Friday at 5.30pm.

According to organisers, it will be a “stationary demonstration” with people asked to stand two metres apart and to wear face masks.

Hampshire Constabulary have reportedly been approached about the event.

An activist who wished to remain unnamed said: “What is at stake is no less than the fundamental human rights to freedom of speech and protest that everyone is entitled to. By attending we declare that we refuse to be frightened into keeping quiet when our civil rights are stolen from us.

“We do not seek any conflict with the police, and we kindly ask those who do, not to attend.”

The Daily Echo has contacted Hampshire police for comment.