THE controversial bronze sculpture of Greta Thunberg has been installed and unveiled at Winchester University.

Entitled Make a Difference, it is believed to be the world’s first life-sized statue of the Swedish climate change activist.

Since being announced earlier this month the artwork has attracted severe criticism, with the debate spreading to both national newspapers and TV.

Winchester University's Student Union also came out against the statue, which cost £23,760 to commission.

But speaking at the unveiling earlier today, Vice Chancellor Professor Joy Carter justified the cost.

"We are aware of some concerns raised about the financing of the statue," she said. "The statue was commissioned in 2019 as part of the West Downs project from funds which could only be spent on that building. No money was diverted from student support or from staffing to finance the West Downs project.

"Indeed, the University has spent £5.2m this year on student support, processed £382k in government hardship funds for students in addition to our own hardship funding, established a new IT access fund of £100k, grown the teams that support student wellbeing and spent £1.5m additional funding to support teaching, learning and health and safety during the pandemic."

Daily Echo: Greta Thunberg statue unveiled at Winchester University. Photos: Dominic Parkes Photography

Professor Carter added: "The university’s approach to art is to commission or purchase unusual and striking pieces which embody our distinctiveness and values. Greta is a young woman who, in spite of difficulties in her life, has become a world leading environmental activist. As the University for sustainability and social justice we are proud to honour this inspirational woman in this way. We know that many find her a controversial figure.

"As a University we welcome reasoned debate and critical conversations. We hope her statue will help to inspire our community, reminding us that no matter what life throws at us we can still change the world for the better. That is a message we want all our students and all young people to hear.

“The timing of the statue links to it being one of the finishing touches to the West Downs Centre which has only recently opened - a fitting feature of the new building, as one of the greenest in the city of Winchester, boasting sustainable features including heat recovery systems, rainwater harvesting, a green roof and solar photovoltaic panels.

"The statue is a symbol of our commitment to combat the climate and ecological emergency in the run-up to the UK hosting COP 26, the United Nations’ Climate Conference, later in the year.”

Artist Christine Charlesworth was commissioned to create the sculpture in 2019.