ARE you looking for a budget-friendly way to keep your youngsters entertained this half-term?

Keeping little ones busy doesn't need to cost the earth, there are plenty of fun ways to create special memories for your family that are easy on the wallet too. 

The money saving team at have shared some expert advice on how to keep children and adults alike entertained at home this Easter.

From a range of crafts to egg decorating ideas and games that cost virtually nothing - there's something to please everyone.

A spokesperson for said: “Finding fun activities that you can do together as a family can be tricky, especially with the current lockdown restrictions.

“Making crafts and playing fun games is a great way to enjoy priceless family time, whilst saving money and staying busy.

“Kids love the excitement that comes with the Easter bunny and it can be tricky to keep them engaged over the break from school, even more so now than ever.”

Have a busy Easter on a budget:

1. Egg rolling

Daily Echo:

Try soaking the eggs in colouring so you can identify who's is who's.

The tradition of rolling eggs down hills seems to vary massively from culture to culture and family to family.

Seeing as there is no seemingly right way, it might be time to start a new family tradition for your house.

Start by boiling a bunch of eggs, then soak them in food dye or using marker pens and spare craft materials so that everyone knows which egg is theirs.

Once boiled and decorated, take them to a park with a big slope like Alexandra Park in Poole. 

From the top of the hill, players can take turns rolling their eggs down. The egg that travels the furthest wins. 

2. Obstacle course

Daily Echo:

This is a great way to get the kids active without it being a chore. 

To easily kill a few hours at home, set up a simple obstacle course in the back garden or living room. Give the course a sprinkle of imagination and an easter theme, with plenty of hopping over hurdles (or sofa cushions), egg on spoon relays and hard-boiled eggs used as balls to knock over bowling pins.

3. Craft stations

Daily Echo:

Whatever it is, get crafty this half term.

Easter crafts go a lot further than egg decorating. Setting up a craft station ready with some basic supplies can keep kids entertained for hours.

Bunny ears are an easy place to start, all you need is some old cereal boxes and staples to make a headband and some ears - then some pens or paints to colour them in. 

4. Bunny hop

Nothing beats a good old boogie, so have a hoppy Easter dance party. Many people will be craving a good dance and whilst it can’t be out with friends yet, get the kids together and turn on some favourite tunes.

Everyone can show off their best moves and you could even do it in fancy dress.

5. Make chocolate eggs

Daily Echo:

You could even turn your eggs into icecream bowls or milkshakes.

Buying Easter eggs can be very expensive, especially if you have several kids to cater for. Prices of eggs are often slashed closer to the weekend, but there is usually a smaller selection.

A great way to save money is for families to have a go at making their own tasty eggs.

Melt a chocolate of choice down and use an Easter egg mould to get the iconic shape - Amazon sell moulds for just £2. 

Decorate the eggs with tasty items, such as sweets and chocolate, and enjoy eating the creations together.