PEOPLE working from home could be paying an extra £45 a month in energy costs, new figures have revealed.

The data has raised concerns that fuel poor households in Hampshire are being pushed into further financial difficulty.

Homeworkers in the least energy efficient homes have faced the biggest increase in heating bills of up to £28 a month, compared to just £1.31 for those which are well insulated, combined with an average £17 a month rise in electricity.

Fuel poor households often live in rural properties located in off the gas-grid areas such as Hampshire, which typically have lower levels of insulation.

This means those in the most financial difficulty are living in the hardest to heat homes so are being disproportionately affected by the energy cost rises associated with remote working.

Malcolm Farrow from OFTEC, said: “Rising energy bills are a hidden cost of the pandemic and it’s concerning that vulnerable, fuel poor households in badly insulated homes are bearing the brunt of the increases.

"We must not dismiss this as a short-term issue.

"Many businesses have outlined plans to maintain remote working so this problem is only going to get worse over the coming months and years.”

Even as lockdown restrictions ease over the coming months, thousands are expected to permanently keep their desk at home. In support, OFTEC, a registration body for off-gas grid heating, has shared guidance on how to keep energy costs down.

Make sure your heating and hot water only comes on when you need it to. Remember to change your settings as the weather gets warmer.

It’s tempting to run the central heating during the day when homeworking, so turn down radiators in unused rooms to minimise cost.

Turn TVs off at the wall when not in use, reduce screen brightness on laptops and switch off lights when you leave the room.

Larger appliances, such as dishwashers and tumble dryers, can use a lot of electricity so check if they have an ECO setting to consume less power.

Having your boiler regularly serviced helps improve efficiency and lowers fuel costs.

You may be able to claim tax relief to cover some of your costs when working at home. Visit the Gov website to check eligibility.