IT'S one of the biggest questions and talking points to come out of Covid times: Should we continue to wear face masks in shops when the pandemic ends?

Medics sit on both sides of this debate, with one side saying it will curb the passing of infectious diseases - such as colds and the flu.

Masks are “minimally invasive, safe, cheap, effective,” Raina MacIntyre, a professor of global biosecurity at Australia’s University of New South Wales told Time Magazine.

But on the other side, Dr. John Conly, an infectious disease physician at Canada’s University of Calgary, told the magazine that he wouldn’t support masking after the pandemic ends, given downsides like discomfort and difficulty communicating.

This is a theme that follows when the public are asked.

Now, we've asked Echo readers what they think.

This is what some of you said in response to the question: "Should we still wear face masks in shops after the pandemic is over?".

  • "It predicted to be endemic and will never go away, face masks will become a way of life"
  • "I think of your feeling unwell you should wear one like in Asia, if showing certain symptoms you should wear one."
  • "Should be personal preference, same as social distance, want to wear a mask carry on, don’t like crowds in shops, go in during quieter times or shop online"
  • "I don't think it is necessary - we have managed OK for the last 2,000 years (other than during pandemics). But I would like to see us adopt the oriental way - if you feel ill, or have a cough/cold, you wear a mask when you go out, to avoid passing it on to other people. The western world is very selfish in that respect."
  • "I honestly think it's quite simple to wear a mask, and it does have its benefits, as science has proven. Everyone wearing a mask (which by this point, we are all used to by now, aren't we?) will decrease viruses spreading. Asian countries such as China do it, why shouldn't we?"
  • "Yes and social distance, I feel so much better without people getting into my space and breathing all over me!"
  • "It should be your own choice but when you work in a shop there is a lot of people that do come in shops that don't wear tham because of heath reasons"
  • "Absolutely not. Hate wearing them and cant wait to see the back of them."
  • "People had the choice before this pandemic but I bet it never crossed anyone's mind before to wear one so why the change now? Once Covid has run it's course and becomes the new normal illness I don't see why masks will need to be mandatory only optional."
  • "Yes. As a parent of a child who suffers life threatening seizures at the onset of any fever inducing illness I have been relieved to see the sort of hygiene regime that we have had in our own life as a family now being adopted by the rest of the broader many have even noticed how many fewer colds, etc they’ve had....this is basic personal care now!"
  • "Yes, I haven't had an illness since masks have been the norm."
  • "No I rather not. We were ok before the Covid and I'm sure we're be fine when this is over"
  • "No, it would seem a bit pointless to do so."
  • "I would. I am not a sheep. I have had far fewer colds and low level coughs sneezes, none really since using the masks."
  • "Don't see why not! You never know what someone near you may have. Covid or not, I'd rather wear a mask for my 30 minute food shop and reduce the chance of catching someone else's germs."
  • "I think people should have the choice. It shouldn't be mandatory, but if it makes people feel safer than why shouldn't they be able to?"
  • "No definitely shouldn’t be enforced because we will not be in a pandemic any more - there has to be a time where we stop"
  • "Yes if anything it’s protecting the staff and helping to keep the shops people want to visit open. Retail workers have families to protect too."
  • "Definitely virus is not gone completely it’s getting warm now that’s why it slowdowns a bit . But it’s still there lingering "
  • "As a barber, it makes things extremely difficult, but I can understand why some would want to. For me, as soon as I can, they're all getting binned!"
  • "Probably on public transport! Whenever I get on a bus, someone will get on behind and start coughing and sneezing, never a handkerchief in use, people have disgusting habits and no respect for others!"
  • "I would if I was feeling under the weather and I’ll probably wear one for the next six months at least."
  • "Yes, we are never going to beat this virus. Pandora's box has been opened. We just have to learn how to live with it the best way we can and one way is face masks, particularly for the vulnerable in our society! Also those who feel they need that added security and safety."
  • "When things have really settled down (for lack of a better word) then I don’t think we need to be wearing them, but on the tube I probably still will."
  • "My asthma has gotten worse since we’ve had to use them, but then again I haven’t had a cold in over 12 months so I dunno"
  • "Think everyone can make their own choice on what to do but being a shop worker I don't want to wear it for 9- 10 hours a day."
  • "I think its definitely reasonable to expect people to wear them when there ill. I also think it might be good for medical professionals to continue to wear them in more scenarios too."
  • "I look forward to the day when they are not compulsory. I feel suffocated when I wear one and I know I am lucky not to have had Covid and someone will say that is suffocating but just my opinion. Hate them."

What do you think? Join the discussion here.