THE leader of the Labour party in Southampton is standing down.

Cllr Christopher Hammond, former leader of Southampton City Council, is to step down as leader of the Labour party in the city.

He will join backbenchers and will continue to represent Woolston ward.

It comes as he has represented Woolston for the past eight years and was elected Labour leader and leader of the council in 2018.

Daily Echo: Councillor Chris Hammond

Cllr Hammond announced his decision during today's annual general meeting.

The move comes as  the Conservatives won control of the city council in this year's local elections.

He said: "I want to thank the people of Southampton for entrusting the leadership of Southampton City Council to Labour for so many years.

"It has been a honour to lead this city through the challenges of austerity, the uncertainty of Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic over the past three years.

"I’m proud to have lead the Labour administration in the city that I love; however, I believe that the group's renewal is best served by new leadership at this time."

It is understood that the new Labour leader would be elected in the coming weeks.

Cllr Hammond added: "In this crisis, our council has kept services running, supported the most vulnerable, clearly communicated with residents, and fought for Southampton when the Government let us down.

"We’ve achieved big things for the city and invested in our residents priorities.

"The incoming Conservative administration inherits a rejuvenated council with a credible plan to build back a city that is greener, fairer and healthier."