A financial adviser accused of beating up a family during a late night buffet onboard a cruise ship told a court he was simply trying to defend his YouTuber girlfriend.

Paul Evans, who previously worked as a stockbroker, denied kicking 21 year old Alice Gardner 'like he was taking a penalty' as a brawl erupted, claiming he would never hurt a woman.

The 45 year old told the court he was making camomile tea for himself and his partner, Tabatha Young, when he spotted her being 'pinned' to the ground in the P&O Royal Britannia's Horizon buffet.

Evans said he ran over to 'save' Young and 'wrestled' two men to stop her from being 'beaten up'.

A jury has heard the 'spectacular' cruise through the Norwegian fjords descended into 'bedlam' when a violent brawl erupted, sparked by a family asking 45 year old Evans to stop swearing as they dined in the Horizon buffet.

Statistician Justin Gardner, his nurse wife Sarah and daughter Alice were all allegedly attacked as 'intoxicated' Evans launched a 'violent and chaotic' attack.

The Gardners had attended a family disco with their two daughters when they retired to the buffet but became upset by the language from a neighbouring table.

Evans told the court he had wrestled with Mr Gardner and another male passenger - 50 year old project manager Andrew Irving - and stolen a phone from Mrs Gardner, but denied attacking either of the women.

Recounting the events of the evening, Evans said he attended a black tie event and danced in the ship's Live Lounge with Young, who he he had been dating for a year and a half.

Evans told the court he had a glass of red wine with dinner and no more than five pints at the disco but admitted he was 'drunk'.

At around 12.30am on July 26 2019, Evans decided to 'call it a night' and suggested the pair get a pint of camomile tea from the Horizon 24 hour buffet on deck 16, the court heard.

Evans, who previously worked for the firm Brite Advisors, said: "I just thought let's get some tea and to go bed. Then I saw [Young] sit down with three guys.

"She was a bit drunk. She was just chatting to [one of the teenagers]. I thought it was a bit rude actually."

Southampton Crown Court heard Young had been 'rabbiting away' and was asking one of the boys about his sexuality.

Evans continued: "I said 'you can't talk to people like that'. She said 'oh, he doesn't give a ****'."

Alice Gardner, who had been sitting with her parents Justin and Sarah and younger sister Amelia, came over and asked those at the table to stop swearing as they were making other guests in the buffet 'uncomfortable', the court heard.

Evans said: "The girl was polite. I said '**** this I'm going'."

After leaving the buffet, Evans said he went to his room and briefly watched a yacht programme on TV before deciding to return to the dining room and fetch Young.

Evans, who worked as a wealth manager at Devere Group before joining Brite Advisors, said: "I went back to make a camomile tea to egg her on to go to bed.

"When I started to make the tea, I looked through the griddle wall and I saw Tabatha pinned down. I ran back in.

"The mum [Sarah Gardner] was kneeling on her arm and [Alice Gardner] was kicking her.

"I saw this and started to pick up speed and shouted 'what the **** are you doing?' She was being attacked and beaten up. [Justin Gardner] had hold of [Tabatha] and was on her.

"If you see a woman being punched down and kicked you are going to go over and save her. I grabbed [Mr Gardner] and tried to pull him up. I pushed [Alice Gardner] off [Tabatha].

"I am from a family of women. I did not assault the family. Why would I ever do that to a woman?"

Evans told the court he had 'wrestled' with both Mr Gardner, 50, and Mr Irving who later intervened, but insisted he did not attack Alice or Sarah Gardner.

He denied 'running up and kicking' Mr Gardner and said he did not put Mr Irving in a headlock, the court heard.

It is alleged Evans 'rugby tackled' Mrs Gardner, 48, to get her husband's mobile phone from her as she had been attempting to film him.

However, Evans denied this and said he had instead 'smashed' it from her and tried to 'snap it in half'.

Evans then went out onto the smoking area on deck 16 and threw the mobile overboard, captured on CCTV, in what he described as a 'flash' decision, done out of 'spite', the court heard.

Once security arrived, Evans grew 'mad' and was worried about his girlfriend as 'she had blood all down her face' and had 'ripped her dress', he said.

He told jurors: "I was very upset with the security guards because where were they when all this was going on?"

Evans was remanded in a cabin for over 36 hours before he was interviewed by police once the ship docked in Southampton.

He denies three counts of actual bodily harm - against Mr Gardner, Alice Gardner and Mr Irving - and one count of robbery.

Young, who interviews boxers on YouTube, pleaded guilty to causing Sarah Gardner actual bodily harm and is yet to be sentenced.

Evans told jurors: "I am a godfather to three of my friends' kids. I am a good man. I do charity work. I do not go around beating up and hitting people or saying stuff about 16 year old children."

Choking back tears, he added: "I have had to go on antidepressants and I have had to see alcohol people because I have been drinking a lot."

Jurors were told Evans was cautioned for battery in 2007 after he intervened during an altercation on the London Underground.

The trial continues.