County food group Hampshire Fare has collaborated with the New Forest Hamper Company to launch an exclusive collection of hampers to showcase Hampshire produce and celebrate Hampshire Fare’s 30th anniversary.

Tracy Nash, commercial manager, Hampshire Fare, said: “We are so proud to have been supporting local producers for 30 years and wanted to share our anniversary celebrations as widely as possible by creating a special ‘hamper of Hampshire’ filled with our members’ produce. 

"It made sense to approach another Hampshire Fare member, the New Forest Hamper Company, who has supported so many of our producers through the past year, to put this exclusive hamper together.”

Adie Callaghan, New Forest Hamper Company, said: “The challenge has been that there are more Hampshire Fare’s members’ products than we can get into one hamper! We have now developed a Hampshire Fare Collection of four hampers, and we are looking to introduce new products and add more hampers in the coming months.

“I love collaborations; they are really powerful. When our main event catering business collapsed in lockdown, orders for what was our seasonal hamper company went off the scale. I called round all our faithful producers saying, I need you! They were tremendously supportive. Hampshire Fare’s help, pointing me in the right direction, also gave me confidence. I’ve been amazed how everyone loves a hamper! People’s mindsets have changed. Food has become much more important as a gift, and gifts have become more about an experience. People also want to support local, and every purchase of a hamper invests in Hampshire businesses.”

One of the original founders of Hampshire Fare, Davina Tibbetts, Home Economist and Food Consultant, said: “Hampshire Fare has grown from a small acorn into a great oak tree that continues to spread its branches all the time, reaching producers and consumers.”