SOUTHAMPTON residents are calling for more police on the streets after a spate of thefts and ‘smash and grab’ break-ins.

Millbrook residents say they feel ‘neglected’ and want to see more visible policing following a reported spike in community incidents.

Recently, an 86-year-old man was mobbed by ten youths who stole his moped in Porlock Road.

And on another occasion, a young working mum had her car stolen from Windermere Avenue.

Now residents and community groups say they have had enough.

Online group Millbrook Matters was set up by two local women following a spate of van break-ins in the area.

Scores of residents had their vehicles broken into and tools stolen last summer.

Co-founder of the group, Kathi Iason, said the same sort of issues are happening again now.

“The owners are given a crime reference number and nothing else seems to happen. There have been a few smash and grabs from cars as well. The police are not seen enough”, she said.

She described the situation in Millbrook as “getting ridiculous”, adding: “We would like to see more CCTV. Officers being seen. That would have a huge impact.”

Many in Millbrook and across Southampton have also complained of anti-social behaviour from youths on motorbikes, and Kathi said more community group projects are needed. to engage youngsters and to keep them off the streets.

She added: “There is nowhere for the kids to go.[We need] more things to help these kids. If there were projects that could get them involved, it might get them off the streets.

“I just do not like what is happening. Millbrook is being neglected.”

Dave Smith from Redbridge Residents Association also voiced his concerns.

He urged residents to report all incidents to the police, saying no matter how trivial it may seem, “it could be the final piece in the jigsaw of intelligence”.

Conservative councillor for Millbrook Jeremy Moulton said: "We definitely need more police in Southampton and Millbrook and there is a commitment from the Police and Crime Commissioner to deliver on this.

"Southampton has an extra 8 neighbourhood police in training now. As a new council administration in July we allocated an extra £500,000 to help give our kids positive things to do and to work with the police on anti tackling anti social behaviour.

"This fund will shortly be open to bids from community groups, charities and sports groups."

Cllr Moulton is due to meet the Millbrook Matters community group on Saturday.

Commenting directly on the motorcycle theft, a spokesperson for Hampshire Police said: “The owner was putting a fuel cannister into the storage compartment of his motorbike, a blue Suzuki, when a group of young males approached him.

“One of the males who was wearing a red t-shirt got onto the bike and rode off in the direction of the Saints pub.

“Officers have been carrying out enquiries including house to house.”

The force had no-one available to comment generally on the issues raised by residents.