A HAMPSHIRE GP surgery has taken a stand to highlight their "burden of workload" after a number of complaints about a Facebook status.

Waterfront and Solent Surgery, on Jones Lane in Hythe, was barraged with complaints on social media on Friday after posting a status regarding the number of calls.

On Friday, August 6, the surgery received 909 incoming calls by 8.18am, which admin staff described as "a usual morning in General Practice" in a bid to highlight the demand staff face.

But the status attracted a number of angry patients who shamed the practice for making such a post.

Commenters accused the surgery of making patients feel like they are "an inconvenience for calling the GP".

It comes as a new poll suggests GPs are being subjected to rising levels of abuse from the public.

One commenter said: "I just think the post is just really unprofessional if I’m honest either way you look at it no need.

"A lot of people feel a nuisance calling the GP as it is and don’t like to bother them because they are so busy and no one should feel like that no matter how big or small the illness is."

In a second status, posted hours later, the surgery hit back at those complaining by explaining "the burden of workload on the practice".

The post said explains that the surgery does not have enough space to accommodate more admin staff.

"The surgery was designed in 1992 and built to provide care for a patient population of 3,000 patients," they explained. "We now have in excess of 7,100 patients."

The post continued to explain that NHS England continues to advise GP practices to telephone triage first, "placing additional burden on the phone call demand."

In order to comply with the current Covid-19 infection-control guidance, no more than four people are allowed in the waiting room at one time.

The post continues: "Sadly, it is also apparent from a small minority of the responses that not everyone understands what else is going on the surgery beyond face-to-face appointments or phone calls, and that our responsibility goes beyond just answering the phone.

"The admin team, as well as answering the phones, are scanning letters, processes task generated by both GPs, nurses and patients, and carrying out admin duties between calls.

"None of this is visible when you walk into the waiting room.

"We continue to work as hard as we can, working both thoroughly and efficiently, for all of our patients.

"Our Facebook posts are designed to give you, our patients, information about the practice, to keep you in the loop, and to help you understand the service you are receiving, and we will continue to post updates as we have news.

"Following us on Facebook is optional."