THE FOLLOWING cases were heard at Southampton Magistrates’ Court...

RICHARD DANIEL ALAN KITCHER, 30, Elm Cresceent, Hythe. Admitted breaching post-sentence supervision requirements. Ordered to pay £60 costs.

GEORGE SIMON PALMER, 19, of Nursery Road, Alton. Proved guilty in absence of possessing an offensive weapon in a public place. Also, pleaded guilty to failing to surrender to custody. Remanded on bail. Case adjourned for a pre-sentence report to custody.

DEBORAH NATASHA WHITING, 57, Dickens Road, Bournemouth. Pleaded guilty assault by beating. Remanded in custody. Case adjourned for pre-sentencing.

DEAN EDMOND YOUNG, 47, of The Hundred, Romsey. Found guilty of harassment. Also, pleaded guilty to another count of harassment. Remanded on bail. Case adjourned for a pre-sentence report to be prepared.

HASSAUN SULAEMAM ALI, 19, of Monks Way. Pleaded guilty to two counts of criminal damage, found guilty of three counts of assault by beating and a single count of using threatening words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress. Remanded in custody. Case adjourned for a for a medical or psychiatric report to be prepared.

JOSEPH ALEXANDER GRUNDY, 46, of HMP Winchester. Found guilty of assault by beating. Committed to prison for eight weeks. Restraining order made for five years. Ordered to pay £620 court costs and £128 victim surcharge.

PAUL HAYDON BAIRSTOW 24, of Randolph Street, Southampton. Pleaded guilty to using threatening words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress, driving without insurance, otherwise than in accordance with a licence and without the consent of the owner. Remanded on unconditional bail. Case adjourned for the prosecution to make enquiries.

LIAM ANTHONY CRUTE, 31, of Hurst Green Close, Southampton. Found guilty of drug driving. Driving record endorsed with three points. Fined £180 and ordered to pay £34 victim surcharge.

LORNA CLAIRE GUESS, 42, of Vincent Close, New Milton. Pleaded guilty to drink driving. Remanded on unconditional bail. Case adjourned for a pre-sentencing report to be prepared.

GURDEEP PARKAS, 39, of Kitchener Road, Southampton. Convicted of harassment. Community order made until February 2023 to include six months of alcohol treatment and 80 hours of unpaid work. Restraining order made four two-years. Ordered to pay £95 victim surcharge and £85 court costs.

TIMOTHY JOSEPH BARRELL, 37, of Aldridge Hill, Brockenhurst. Admitted breaching a community order by failing to attend unpaid work requirements. Ordered to pay £60 court costs.

DAVID GEORGE JOHN PURKISS, 23, of Anglesea Terrace, Southampton. Admitted breaching a community order by failing to attend unpaid work. Ordered to pay and additional 20 hours of unpaid work and pay £60 court costs.

KEITH RONALD WEST, 33, of Harborough Road, Southampton. Admitted breaching a community order by failing to attend unpaid work.Made subject of an electronically monitored curfew for five weeks between 10pm and 7am each day. Ordered to pay £60 court costs.