A message from Hampshire Chamber of Commerce

We are pleased to announce that we are now live and taking bookings for the Boat Show Lunch on the 10th September.

This annual event, as part of the Southampton Boat Show will be held at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Southampton Grand Harbour on the opening day of the Boat Show.

This event features networking drinks reception, lunch, keynote speaker, and complimentary pass for entrance to the Southampton Boat Show, this is a grand celebration of the Boat Show returning to Southampton, and a great opportunity to network with businesses from across the city and wider region.

We are delighted that we will be joined by our guest speakers; Lesley Robinson, CEO British Marine and Mark Denton who will be discussing his "Navigate the Storm" a ground-breaking real-life case study that’s so applicable to business. We will also host a Q&A session with Cllr Daniel Fitzhenry of Southampton City Council and hear about the future plans for the city.

This year's event has limited numbers and therefore we encourage you to book onto the event as soon as possible. Should you wish to host a corporate table of 8 please contact: events.south@hampshirechamber.co.uk