WORKS have begun to install a new 'state of the art' MRI scanner worth over £900k at a New Forest hospital.

The new Siemens ‘Magnetom’ MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanner is being installed at Lymington New Forest Hospital.

This comes after the hospital was forced to decommission its old MRI scanner earlier this year and up until this point, use a mobile MRI scanner in the hospital’s carpark.

The original scanner needed replacing as it was 10 years old and it was becoming increasingly difficult to source the parts needed to fix it according to Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.

The new £906,000 piece of kit is due to allow for a wider bore which will make it a less claustrophobic experience for patients as well as giving the hospital the ability to produce high quality images meaning that scans are clearer, helping healthcare professionals identify key health issues faster.

As well as this, due to the quicker scans, more patients will be able to be seen and now some patients won't have to travel as far to receive vital scans.

Laura Rothery, Divisional Director of Operations, South West Division, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust said: “The new MRI scanner, and its state of the art facilities, will provide a significantly improved service for patients in the local community and beyond.

"A lot of work has gone in to making this happen and we would like to say a massive thank you to Rydon (the hospital building’s contractors) and our radiology team for designing the new MRI facility and preparing the site for installation.

"We would also like to thank all our staff, patients and visitors for their co-operation while works have been taking place.”

Over the next four to six weeks, the radiology team and specialist contractors are due to carry out the technical work needed to prepare the new MRI scanner, ready to open for patients in September 2021.

Mike Hodges Trustee and Joint Chair of Lymington Hospital Friends said: “The Lymington Hospital Friends are delighted to see the new MRI scanner complete the fantastic range of imaging equipment in the radiology department."