AS revellers experience the return of retro festival Let's Rock, the Echo looks back at when large open-air concerts first came to Southampton Common

It was common land once used for grazing animals and foraging but now mostly used for sporting, dog walking, taking in nature and enjoying the regular fairs.

But things changed on May 21, 1995, when the 365 acres of green space played host to a large pop music show for the first time.

Power FM held the first Power in the Park, bringing Southampton Common alive with the sound of music and the buzz of locals enjoying the acts.

READ MORE: Pictures from the first Let's Rock festival >>>

Up to 100,000 party-goers turned up to see their favourites, including Let Loose, Sean Maguire and Bitty McLean.

Southampton had never seen anything like it and excitement levels ran at fever-pitch as youngsters had to be plucked from the front of the crowds to prevent them from being crushed – luckily nobody was hurt.

Daily Echo: Power in the Park 1995. 21st May 1995. Crowds scene on Southampton Common. I Love the 90's. © THE SOUTHERN DAILY ECHO ARCHIVES.  Ref - 028448.

There were problems with the sound, and many of the acts chose to mime, but that didn’t stop revellers from enjoying the four-hour-long show in the glorious sunshine.

The pictures in the gallery above were taken during the show.

Daily Echo: