THE judicial review over the proposed multi-storey car park in Bar End is set to go ahead.

Residents of Domum Road have been fighting the plans since they were first submitted and will now take Winchester City Council to the High Court.

But civic chiefs have already submitted another application and groundworks have commenced at the former Vaultex site.

Dr Michael Heard, who is spearheading the legal proceedings, said: "The High Court judge has considered the strength of my request for a judicial review and has given permission for the case to proceed, on the basis of the effect on sun and daylight, noise, lighting from the structure and headlights spilling onto the water meadows and one procedural matter.

"The council is defending their position. Meanwhile the council has commenced the ground works on the site and submitted a new planning application, including retrospective permission for the work already being undertaken.

"The disappointing fact is the new application is virtually identical to the previous one and the concessions the local residents put forward to reduce the visual and environmental impact of the structure, have not been included in the plans. The most important suggestion is filling in the wall on the water meadows side, so the buildings lights, headlights and noise would be much reduced.

"This would be simple and not expensive. Reducing the height would make a huge difference, but would reduce the parking spaces, but does central Winchester really need more parking? The provision of EV charging points would still be available."

The car park is set to have 287-spaces and stand around 15 metres tall.

Plans include 800 square metres of photovoltaic solar panels, six electric vehicle charging bays and green walls to reduce light pollution and tackle carbon emissions.

Dr Heard added: "This all feels rather undemocratic, with the Council considering its own application. The decision of the planning committee should be the same whoever is the applicant and I do wonder if this was a private developer whether permission would be granted and what view the planning department would take of construction continuing when there is an ongoing legal challenge.

"The residents remain hopeful their suggestions will influence the planning officers report and some improvements made to the structure, to ensure this area of countryside, so close to the city centre, remains unspoilt."