COMMUNITY leaders have said that the closure of a city park is a worry after a potential poisoning incident.

Mayflower Park was closed on Sunday after a number of pigeons were found dead in the area.

Residents have been asked to stay away whilst an investigation takes place and until the park is deemed safe for people and pets to return.

It is understood the park is now open.

Now though, advice has been given to residents and dog owners who may be concerned by the news.

Deputy leader of the council and cabinet member for growth, Cllr Jeremy Moulton said: “I understand the police did a search of the park and they found another area where pigeons had died as well, so two areas.

“Hopefully it won’t be anything too worrying or sinister but you don’t know so they took all the right precautions and dealt with it quickly.

“There’s a lot of dog walkers that park and I use it myself to walk the dog so it is a worry if someone picked something up and got seriously ill.”

The councillor added that people should keep an eye on police social media and keep out of the park until it is safe to do so.

He also advised that if an animal that has been in the area in the past few days is showing any worrying warning signs then owners should contact their vets.

Southampton Itchen MP, Royston Smith added: “Until you know what it is, what’s causing it, whether it’s malicious or something else, then the safe option is to make sure that you protect people and dog walkers so I think it’s a sensible course of action.

“My advice would be to keep a close eye on your animals that have been down there, don’t be too alarmed yet until the environmental health have discovered what it is. A note of caution to anyone that’s been there in the last day or so.”

This comes after Hampshire Police released a statement on the closure.