RESIDENTS and businesses are being invited to give their thoughts on future bus travel in Southampton.

Southampton City Council is currently developing its Bus Service Improvement Plan to improve buses and "get Southampton moving".

The plan is being created in partnership with bus operators and other stakeholders and now the council is inviting views from the public.

Residents, businesses any organisations in the city with an interest in bus travel are being asked to complete a survey.

Open until September 5, feedback will contribute to identifying positive changes for the future.

Cllr Jeremy Moulton, Cabinet Member for Growth said, “We want to encourage everyone to shares their views on bus travel in this survey, whether they are regular bus passengers or have never been on a bus before.

"In order to improve Southampton’s bus service and encourage more people to use the bus to get around the city, we first need to understand what positive changes are required.”

The plan is due to be funded through a share of £3 billion in funding from the government as part of the Bus Back Better strategy with the council currently in the bidding process.

The survey can be viewed here.