AN ELDERLY couple in their 80s has had their back garden destroyed during a late-night fire.

The Haywards were fast asleep when their doorbell rang in the middle of the night.

Initially thinking it was the postman, it was actually two men alerting them to a “huge fire” in the garden of their home in the Thornhill area of the city.

Daily Echo: John Hayward outside his destroyed workshop.John Hayward outside his destroyed workshop.

John, 88, is deaf and had to be roused by his wife, Joyce, 83.

Once outside, they described seeing flames “20ft high” leaping into the air.

John’s workshop is now a gutted wreck and his tools have been destroyed following the blaze at around 1.30am on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the back fence has been burnt to ashes leaving their property exposed.

The retired master boatbuilder would spend hours building models in his shed, however, spent much of Thursday salvaging what was left of the ruins.

Daily Echo: The Haywards were alerted to the fire by neighbours.The Haywards were alerted to the fire by neighbours.

The two who have lived together for the last 24-years say it’s not the first time their property has been damaged.

In February, they say someone set light to a bundle of clothing next to their side fence.

It also burnt their guttering and melted a gate causing ‘£700 worth of damage’.

Joyce, who uses a walking aid and has battled spinal cancer in the past, said: “We could do without it. We had a lovely lilac tree. If no one had seen it, it would have come up the side. It could have set fire to us in the house.”

Daily Echo: The inside of the shed.The inside of the shed.

The couple who each have three children believe the fires were started deliberately.

John, said: “What the hell? Why are you doing this? Do they have a grudge? They must be nuts. I hope they do find someone and why they’re doing it. They need help.”

He praised his neighbours for their support saying they had been brilliant.

“A nipper came round with a box of chocolates,” John added.

Daily Echo: John and Joyce Hayward.John and Joyce Hayward.

Two fire engines from Hightown and one from St Mary’s were called to tackle the blaze.

Police have confirmed that the fire is now being investigated.

A spokesperson for Hampshire Constabulary said: “It is believed a fence had been set alight and had spread to a shed.”

Anyone with information is urged to call police on 101 quoting 44210328576.