ONCE I woke up with biscuits stuck to my face.

Another time, a pizza on my chest.

Curry. You might judge me so I’ll say no more.

I’d like to say I have a healthier relationship with food since these things happened but it’s probably not true.

However, my main issue with curry is I’m boring. Dull as dull can be.

Not that I have a terrible personality, it’s just I always order the same thing.

I’ve been mocked for eating chicken korma time and time again.

My friend and colleague, Ian Crump, has also mocked me.

He urged me to check out Kali Mirchi saying it was one of the best Indian restaurants in Southampton.

Daily Echo: Kali Mirchi, Shirley High Street, SouthamptonKali Mirchi, Shirley High Street, Southampton

Journalism is all about finding answers. The truth...

I went to investigate and Ian Crump joined me.

It felt like a quest walking from the city centre to the end of Shirley High Street.

We dodged people with actual responsibilities on a Monday afternoon as well as e-scooters but arrived safely.

There was a buffet on offer but we opted for the actual menu.

My eyes scanned the list of dishes in a panic not knowing what to order. Korma screaming out.

I've never even tried a prawn korma. I find their beady eyes unnerving. Insects of the sea.

With 'maturity' on my side, I’m venturing into the unknown and trying new things.

Making the most of the experience I ordered two starters.

Bhoona Poori. A deep-fried Indian bread stuffed with chicken. It's like a wrap.

Daily Echo: Bhoona PooriBhoona Poori

Chilli paneer was the other dish I went for. It's batter fried cheese coated in spicy and sweet chilli sauce with diced peppers and onion.

These were both very enjoyable.

With limited stomach space, I had to leave the salad.

Daily Echo: Chilli paneer.Chilli paneer.

I was worried some sort of vegetable activist would harass me for destroying an acre of rainforest for my sins.

For mains, I went for chicken dhansak - described as a sweet, hot and tangy yellow lentil sauce.

Daily Echo: Chicken dhansak and pilau rice and a chapati.Chicken dhansak and pilau rice and a chapati.

It had a lot more kick than a korma. I quite liked it. It was different.

I was so full up I thought about getting an e-scooter home.

However, considering how clumsy I am I didn't want to snap my wrist and not be able to write this review.

On reflection, I feel self-loathing at being someone who now takes photos of their food rather than just eating it.

That said, I also realise I should try other things. I shouldn’t limit myself to korma as variety is indeed the spice of life.