CIVIC chiefs are consulting to find out what Southampton sites should be considered for future development.

As part of the new "Southampton City Vision" Local Plan, landowners, developers and residents have been asked to share their views on sites across the city that could be considered for development.

These renewed calls have been made by the council following an initial consultation that took place from February to May last year, after which, evidence was gathered as part of a Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) including a "Call for Sites".

Due to the plans being "significantly slowed" due to the pandemic though, the council says it is "important" that it gets an up-to-date picture.

Once finished, the plan will set out the future development of new homes, work spaces, infrastructure and facilities across the city over the next 20 years and beyond.

A council spokesperson said: "An important element of developing the plan is looking at all potential sites across the city and assessing whether they are suitable for development. We would like you to inform us of any potential sites that you think should be included in this assessment."

Once submitted, all sites will then be considered through the SLAA process and will inform the development of the new Southampton City Vision Local Plan site allocations.

Leader of Southampton City Council, Councillor Daniel Fitzhenry, said: "A Local Plan is a statutory framework that every Local Authority must have in place. Our initial consultation took place as the pandemic hit in Spring last year so we now need to ensure that the information that was gathered as part of that process is still up to date.

"At this crucial time, as we strive to get Southampton moving, it's key that we maximise growth potential in the city and need to make sure we're considering all possible locations for development."

Those who have more than one site to submit are being asked to complete a separate form for each site suggested.

Views can be submitted on the council's website.