HAMPSHIRE GP practices have more patients on average than almost anywhere else in the country, figures show.

Data from NHS Digital has revealed that more than 1.6 million patients are registers at just over 100 practices across Hampshire, Southampton and the Isle of Wight.

The figures revealed at each surgery was coping with an extra 100 patients when compared to last year's figures.

Across 135 GP practices in the NHS Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight CCG area, there were 1,676,586 patients registers as of the end of June.

This meant each GP team was dealing with an average of 12,419 patients each – up slightly from 12,318 in June 2020.

The figures are one of the highest averages of all CCGs in the country, and well above NHS South Sefton CCG, in the North West, where each practice had around 5,405 patients each.

Dr Nicola Decker, Clinical Leader at NHS Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG): “The NHS plans well in advance to consider the impact of population growth and a number of recent innovations have been put in place to meet these needs.

"GP practices are now working together with local community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in groups of practices known as primary care networks (PCNs), which build on existing services for people close to home.”

As previously reported this month, on Hampshire GP practice took a stand to highlight their "burden of workload" after a number of complaints about a Facebook status.

Waterfront and Solent Surgery, on Jones Lane in Hythe, was barraged with complaints on social media on Friday after posting a status regarding the number of calls.

On Friday, August 6, the surgery received 909 incoming calls by 8.18am, which admin staff described as "a usual morning in General Practice" in a bid to highlight the demand staff face.

But the status attracted a number of angry patients who shamed the practice for making such a post.

In a second status, posted hours later, the surgery hit back at those complaining by explaining "the burden of workload on the practice".

Across England, 60.8 million patients were registered at 6,571 facilities in June – equating to an average of 9,258 people per practice.

This was up 2.4 per cent on a year previously, and the highest figure since comparable quarterly records began in 2015.