FILM Expo South’s Short Film Script Competition is up and running and the winning scriptwriter will have their script made into a film and screened.

Film Expo South says it has been overwhelmed with the support from local communities in Hampshire and Dorset.

Here’s what’s on offer:- Member, award-winning scriptwriter and director AD Cooper has offered to review the winning script and assist with script development.

The Hampshire and Dorset film offices will then help cover location recces The first location is on board, offering the winner two to three days on location: Crew members of Film Expo South and the film offices will be supporting the winner and move the winning script into pre-production Hashtag Talent Agency will help to cast the winning project and also cover auditions.

On-set catering will be supporting the winner and provide the catering services to ensure the cast and crew are well-fuelled.

Performance Film & Media are providing a cash prize of £350 towards the insurance package for the production.

Matt Black and Galaxy Thief Band have offered their services to provide the score.

Em Jayne Designs is providing the film poster for the winning scriptwriter.

The first cinema/screening room on board is Southampton Harbour Hotel and there are more to come.

The scriptwriting competition closes on November 5.

Details are at