POLICE have accused "nosey" drivers of almost causing crashes by slowing down to watch officers deal with an incident.

Motorists have been warned they could be prosecuted for trying to get a good view of police helping the owner of a broken down trike in the central reservation.

It happened on the A27, close to junction 9 of the M27 motorway.

Posting on social media Fareham Cops said: "Dear all the nosey drivers.

"We saw you slowing down to stare at us, almost causing crashes. We also got a few of you on camera. Consideration will be sought for prosecution under undue care and attention.

"Top tip: Watch where you're going.

"For all those that carried on with their journeys and decided to look on our Facebook to see what was going on, well done. We were assisting a broken down trike in the central reservation."

The post has sparked a couple of responses on social media.

One woman said: "I slowed down because you had a sign saying to, and thought I was driving with due care and attention by slowing down so to avoid hitting you or your cones.

"Now I know I may be prosecuted for such I will in future ignore such signs so as to avoid trouble.

"How long do I have to wait before I know if I'm one of the lucky ones that had their picture taken and faces prosecution?"

Another added: "I think they mean the opposite side of the road, not the side the incident is occurring.

"It's ridiculous all those rubber necks with their morbid curiosity slowing down from a 70mph to a 30mph just to have a look at what's happening on the other side of the road. It's so dangerous.

"What you did, slowing down on the same side of the road is correct, it's those on the opposite side that cause the problems. However, it's also human nature to look at an incident."