A SERIAL fly-tipper has been ordered to pick up litter for 300 hours after dumping waste on a road.

Last year on April 28, Fareham Borough Council enforcement officers attended Cherque Lane in Fareham after waste was dumped.

The items were completely blocking a lane to traffic and pedestrians and an investigation was launched.

A vehicle was identified using CCTV and items found in the pile of waste also identified witnesses who named the person responsible.

Adrian Ward, 56, of Cochrane Close, Gosport was later identified and admitted responsibility when interviewed.

Described as a "repeat offender" by the council, Ward was sentenced to 300 hours of litter collection at Portsmouth Magistrates Court last week.

He was also ordered to pay £960 in costs.

Executive Member for Health and Public Protection of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Trevor Cartwright, said: “This is a significant prosecution for the Council and we hope that this will act as a deterrent for others who may be tempted to offend.

"Fly-tipping is unacceptable, and we will do everything we can to prosecute offenders in Fareham. The judge in this case was particularly complimentary of the evidence provided and the way in which it had been documented, which is testament to the hard work of our officers.”