A SOUTHAMPTON man has thanked neighbours and strangers who rallied to support him and his wife after their garden was destroyed in a fire.

Thornhill man John Hayward has described the community response as heartwarming.

John, 88, and his wife, Joyce 84, were woken in the middle of the night to their doorbell ringing.

They were then alerted to a fire outside their home and “20ft flames” leaping into the air.

John, a retired master boatbuilder now describes his garden as “one hell of a mess”.

He lost his shed and many of the tools he uses for building model boats.

Fencing, trees and plants were also damaged during the blaze on August 18.

However, friends, family and neighbours have since shown their support for the Haywards.

In a message to the Daily Echo, John said: “What I would like to say... how wonderful the local people and neighbours have been. Helping us and asking us for any help we wanted. People who even lived here once have even phoned up to say if they could help. It’s really heartwarming the way that they’ve all responded. It’s been so nice.

“And two or three kids have come round with flowers and chocolates for my wife as well. It’s really lovely.”

John stressed how good people had been to him and Joyce.

He said he wanted to express thankful and appreciative the couple is.

Residents have helped the them put up a temporary fence and launched a fundraiser.