A SOUTHAMPTON mum is calling for the revamp of an “unsafe” playpark which she claims has been plagued by vandalism and antisocial behaviour.

Mum-of-three Lisa Wilkinson from Coxford claims that the adventure playpark on the recreational area off of Olive Road is “not safe” for children and believes a revamp would be hugely beneficial to the local community.

She has been backed by all of the Coxford ward councillors who agree that something has to be done.

The playpark, behind Oaklands Community Centre, is faced with many issues such as offensive graffiti, damage from fires, severe rusting of some equipment, and overgrown stinging nettle bushes.

Daily Echo: Photos of the Olive Road play park taken by Lisa Wilkinson.

Lisa, who lives on Vine Road, is currently pregnant and explained that the park is the perfect distance for her and her family, however she worries it is unsafe.

She said: “The adventure playground on Olive Road is not safe.

“My children went down the slide and landed in a bush of stinging nettles and also the handles on there have been melted and there’s various rusty bits from fire.

“I’m pregnant and don’t drive so this park is perfect for me to take my children.”

She has been backed by all three local councillors - Cllr Barrie Margetts, Cllr Diana Galton, and Cllr Matthew Renyard.

Cllr Barrie Margetts told the Daily Echo that he was aware of the state of the park, adding that he would be “very supportive” of a community driven campaign to upgrade the area.

“There are plans that have been delayed for upgrading a number of play areas in the ward, which are also in need of repair, which do not include this area,” he said.

“The Olive Road area has been affected by vandalism and trouble with youths on dirt-bikes. Perhaps we should organise a public meeting and start the campaign.”

Cllr Matthew Renyard said that he also agreed the area should be revamped “along with others on the estates around our city.”

Daily Echo: Photos of the Olive Road play park taken by Lisa Wilkinson.

He said: “In the 2020 financial budget, the then Labour administration committed to improvements to 17 Play Parks at a total investment of £1.2m, four of those are in or just outside the Coxford ward with works underway.

“The Olive Road Park is quite a large space with lots of opportunity and also some unique issues, primarily around securing it from vandalism and abuse.

“It is not on the current list, however I personally believe that there is a need in this part of the city for better youth engagement and community support, youth clubs and activities.”

Cllr Diana Galton said: “As a local ward councillor I will be seeking to meet with local residents to see what I can do to help. The new administration is looking at opportunities to improve such vital facilities across the city.”

Councillor Steven Galton, cabinet member for environment said: “Our teams have not received any reports from the public regarding unsafe items of equipment, or criminal damage to Coxford Adventure Play Area, however we will immediately investigate and identify any items of equipment that may be in need of repair here.

“Work to refurbish, improve and maintain a selection of the city’s play areas and open spaces is already underway, focusing on sites that are most in need of renovation. These include Pat Bear Close and Daisy Dip play area.”

“Graffiti is a criminal offence and we encourage people to report it using our online form so that it can be removed - www.southampton.gov.uk/environmental-issues/street-cleaning/graffiti

“If residents would like to report broken or damaged equipment in any of the cities play areas, or have any ideas for improvements, please get in touch with us via our ‘Southampton City Council – Play’ Facebook page or speak to us on webchat.”

Residents can report play area issues to ‘Southampton City Council – Play’ Facebook page.