A SOUTHAMPTON resident has called for repairs to a stretch of footpath they describe as ‘dreadful’.

Bassett resident of 40 years, Ann Parsonage said the state of the paving on footpaths in Bassett Crescent East and Bassett Close are ‘hazardous.’

But, she's now been told the council are due to open a ‘perception survey’ for residents to log issues like this.

Ann said: “Walking in the area is not a pleasure and can be quite hazardous.

“You really have to look where you’re going when walking.”

Anne said: “There’s been lots of talk about how the council is going to improve the roads. But nothing about what is going to be done with the pavements.

“They’re dreadful.”

Ann voiced her opinion to Southampton City Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for growth, Jeremy Moulton.

The Conservative councillor for Millbrook said in a reply: “The council is about to open a perception survey to all residents in the Bassett area where they can log issues such as uneven pavements and areas that are difficult to walk.

“The council is planning on then working with the community to address issues that have been raised in the perception survey, and a funding allocation is being made towards general improvements for walking in these areas.

“Details about the survey will be sent to all residents in the area in September 2021.

“Furthermore, separate to specific survey work, the Highways Partnership is also this autumn carrying out its cyclical work on formulating a footway improvement programme.”

Plans are in place to create ‘safer, more sustainable journeys’ for people living in the east and west of Bassett Avenue, the council has announced previously.

It comes after temporary cycle lanes were removed on The Avenue and Bassett Avenue up to Winchester Road roundabout.

The council defended this move saying the lanes were installed during lower traffic levels in lockdown.