A TAXI driver from Hampshire is among those dead after an attack at Kabul airport last week.

Mohammad Niazi travelled to the Afghan capital via Azerbaijan on Tuesday of last week in a desperate attempt to bring his family to the UK before evacuations ceased.

But the Aldershot resident, his wife, and two of his daughters aged under ten were killed in the attack by Isis militants on Thursday.

His brother Abdul Hamid told the BBC he was killed during gunfire in the aftermath of the suicide bomb.

Mr Niazi's two-year-old son and another daughter are being treated in hospital, according to The Independent.

More than 180 people, including two British nationals and 13 US service personnel, were killed in the twin suicide bomb attacks on Thursday outside Kabul airport.

Daily Echo: PA infographicPA infographic

IS-K, the Afghanistan branch of Isis, has since admitted responsibility for the attack.

The airport has been under US control since the Taliban retook power in Afghanistan earlier in August, to allow for evacuations of troops, diplomats and those fleeing the militant organisation.

The final British evacuation flight landed in the UK over the weekend, ahead of US troops pulling out of the country on August 31.

Mr Niazi’s friend and housemate, Imran, said that the 29-year-old was “very, very desperate” to bring his family to the UK, as his wife had been in the process of completing her visa application.

“My heart is in pieces, there’s no words,” Imran has said, according to the Independent.

“His car is parked outside my door, his bedroom is opposite the living room, we see his things everyday, everything reminds us of him. We don’t know how to get over it.

“He worked 16 or 17 hours a day as a taxi driver to give them a better life.

"He was so happy whenever he saved up to buy new clothes and toys. Everything was for the benefit of his kids to give them the best life ever.

“We’ve known each other for 14 years. He was like my brother rather than my friend.”

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said on Friday: "I was deeply saddened to learn that two British nationals and the child of another British national were killed by yesterday’s terror attack, with two more injured.

"These were innocent people and it is a tragedy that as they sought to bring their loved ones to safety in the UK they were murdered by cowardly terrorists.

"Yesterday’s despicable attack underlines the dangers facing those in Afghanistan and reinforces why we are doing all we can to get people out. We are offering consular support to their families.

"We will not turn our backs on those who look to us in their hour of need, and we will never be cowed by terrorists."