It's Southampton marathon this weekend and the city streets will be full with people pounding the tarmac to get to the finish line.

Now in it's sixth year, the event is set to see thousands of runners taking part on Sunday.

Residents in areas affected by road closures have been sent letters from race director Chris Rees to keep them updated about their neighbourhoods.

And he's reassured people living in St Deny's particularly about the situation there following concerns raised by residents.

Speaking to the Daily Echo, he said councillors have been very proactive as Kent Road, which previously was open and used as an exit from St Deny's, is closed with street furniture.

He said: "We are going to have active traffic management there on the day now so residents will be able to leave through a controlled traffic point in between runners.

"As St Deny's is almost three quarters of the way round runners will be well spread out at this point so we anticipate a short delay to anyone needing to leave.

"We appreciate the councillors reaching out as we could proactively sort this before it became an issue."

He said thousands of letters had been sent to keep residents updated too. 

In his letter to residents across the city, Mr Rees said: "We have been in extensive talks with the council and other agencies following lessons learned at previous events to make sure that the day runs as smoothly as possible and to minimise disruptions.

"In the previous 5 years we have now raised more than £750,000 for local charities many of which are based here in Southampton."

Roads will be closed between 8am and 4pm on Sunday.

However, the Guildhall Square area which is the Race Village area will be closed from 7am Sat – 8pm Sun).

It is likely that traffic will be heavier around the city centre area so it will be advisable to plan and allow extra time for your journey.


Woolston Waterfront is included in the marathon route and a direct run up through Portswood.

This will be via Highfield Lane, crossing both Thomas Lewis Way and Portswood Road so to move North South or South North will require using Burgess Road and the Avenue or Hill Lane for Westquay.

Westquay and the Avenue

Although there are extensive closures in the city centre, movement around the city is still possible via the A33 coming into Westquay as well as Kingsway and the Avenue all being cleared and open throughout the race day.

London Road

This road is closed from 0900 – 1600 so please ensure you access the city centre via Hill Lane or the Avenue and Kingsway.


Please be aware there are additional closures outside Dockgate 4 and 5 between 0900 – 0930 only.


It is expected that the majority of runners will be here between 0930 – 1100 but marshals will be present on every corner and street in hi-vis vests.

Bitterne Park Triangle

This area will be a great vantage point to spectate and enjoy the marathon. Cobden bridge is closed but Woodmill is open via Woodmill Lane as well as access to the city centre westbound on Northam Bridge.

North of Highfield Lane

If you are in the Portswood area north of Highfield Lane, the access to the city centre should be via Hill Lane and the Avenue. Burgess Road and the University of Southampton campus are not part of the route this year which will ensure traffic moves as per normal.

South of Highfield Lane

Lodge Road, and the Avenue are all open for access as per normal. For access East of the city please use the Avenue and Burgess Road.


It is anticipated that this area will be particularly busy with runners between 0930 – 1030

Jurds Lake Way

As you exit your close/drive turn to the left, the runners will be on the far side of the road separated by cones. Marshals will be on hand to help direct cars. As you head down past the sailing club, there will be a holding point for a moment or two to find a gap between the runners and then you will be able to exit the run route at Swift Road on the right hand side.

The busiest part of the race will be approx 0930 - 1000 but there is quite often gaps between the runners. As and when you need to come back into your house, go to Archery Road or Weston Lane and travel up Jurds Lake Way.

Organisers say this then creates a one way system and allows access in and out of your house as and when needed.

They are asking people to keep to under 20mph whilst on Jurds Lake Way.