FURTHER support has been offered to refugees coming to Hampshire from Afghanistan.

Eastleigh Borough Council has said that it is working closely with other authorities in the region, the government and key partners to provide help with the Afghan refugee crisis wherever it can.

This comes as other authorities including the county council and Southampton City Council pledged their support after the Taliban took control of the Afghan capital, Kabul.

The government has said that 20,000 refugees from the country are due to be resettled in the UK over the next five years, and an Eastleigh Borough Council spokesperson said the council has been overwhelmed with the many "heart-warming offers of support" from residents.

Cllr Tonia Craig, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Policy said: “We have all been shocked and appalled at the events in Afghanistan and our hearts go out to the families affected.

"This is a humanitarian crisis and Afghan families need the support of organisations like ours at a time when they are at their most desperate and vulnerable.

"It goes without saying that as a Council we will do all within our power to help these families, while they are in the area. Our staff are committed and are already providing hands-on support, directly with the families.

"They are also working closely with all agencies to ensure that whatever resources and practical assistance are needed is available, so that they receive the help they need, including our help in finding permanent accommodation across the UK, including within our Borough.”

Meanwhile, Hampshire charity, Community First has been tasked by the county council with coordinating the collection of donations for the Afghan evacuees from the local community across Hants.

It has now produced a list of what is needed in terms of donations and has set up a number of dedicated collection points around the region.

A Community First spokesperson said: "We now need to get the message out to everyone in Hampshire that not only are we looking for donations to support these families but that we are the organisation to sign-post all other groups and charities that are currently collecting to; we need to ensure that groups are collecting the right things to support the evacuees."

The appeal for the Afghan refugees by Community First can be found here.