PLANS for new accommodation to support homeless people in Southampton have been deferred.

Southampton-based homelessness charity The Society of St James put forward plans to expand its current site at 5-7 Rose Road in Bevois ward.

As reported, the proposals were for five new bedrooms to be built at the back of the existing building.

But planning bosses decided to defer their decision over the scheme after residents raised concerns.

It comes as the plans were discussed by the Planning and Rights of Way Panel at Southampton City Council on Tuesday.

At the meeting, councillors were told there is a need for more homes to support homeless people in Southampton.

But Ann Woolnough, member of the Outer Avenue Residents Association, raised concerns over the plans, anti-social behaviour and noise.

Bevois councillor Mike Denness said he was approached by concerned local residents.

He added: “The concern is that the proposals are overdevelopment. Parking was already an issue. We appreciate this is to improve people’s lives and there’s a need but let’s not do that at the expense of other people’s lives.”

Trevor Pickup, chief executive of The Society of St James, said: “In terms of anti-social behaviour we have got staff available to respond to that. There’s a great need for accommodation for homeless people in the city and this is an opportunity to increase that.”

But some panel members raised concerns over the plans.

Cllr Vivienne Windle asked for the decision to be deferred.

She said: “It should be deferred in the absence of a management plan that we can properly scrutinise. We cannot make the decision on a very nebulous management plan.”

The panel decided to defer the proposals and The Society of St James pledged to engage with local residents to work on the details of a management plan for the site.

Following the meeting, Mr Pickup said: “I am going to go to the next meeting to hear the concerns of the residents and to see if we can get better dialogue between us. We will be working with them to come up with a management plan everyone is happy with.”